What is your salary requirement?

What is your salary requirement?

Q: What is your salary requirement?

A: If your recruiter is asking you for your salary requirement, I suggest you turn around the table and ask him/her, "What is the job paying?" If he/she wavers or claims he/she can't tell you, or if he/she tries to low ball you at $65K — when you know you're worth between $80K and $90K — then do watch out! His/her behavior raises a big, red flag!

Avoid unethical recruiters! They will low ball you! Regardless what the recruiter tells you, you never need to settle for less than what you're worth!

Avoid unethical recruiters and/or employers who want to screen you out, based on salary. Any request for "your salary requirement" or "salary history" is a big red flag, because what does this method really say about the employer?

Never ask recruiters for salary advice. On the Internet, pretty much all articles are written by recruiters who serve interest of employers, and they want you to be happy with the lowest possible salary.

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