Are recruiters ethical?

Are recruiters ethical?

Q: Are recruiters ethical?

A: There are many great recruiters. There are many recruiters who are ethical.

However, many recruiters are neither great nor ethical. Why? Because any Tom, Dick or Harry can be a recruiter. Even convicted criminals can be recruiters. Why? Because recruiters are neither licensed, nor registered. And because recruiters don't have to attend any ethics classes. Therefore, they will tell you anything and everything in order to slot you into the first low-paid position they can find, so they can collect their big, fat commission checks.

Non-disclosure is unethical, wrong, and should be against the law. Recruiters should disclose to you that they don't work for you. However, the unethical ones will fail to disclose that important fact to you. Additionally, the unethical ones will fail to disclose to you when the salary you're about to receive is less than what you — with your education and experience — should receive.

Good recruiters can be marvelous, wonderful, tremendous, and fantastic! However, the bad ones are a disgrace, because they disclose nothing, because they mislead you, while they keep claiming they're ethical.

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