What is the difference between test case and test procedure?

What is the difference between test case and test procedure?

Q: What is the difference between test case and test procedure?

A: Difference number 1: Test case is a high-level concept, and test procedure (or script) is a low-level concept.
Difference number 2: The typical test case contains few details. The typical test procedure, on the other hand, contains even the smallest details, because the test procedure is a series of detailed steps that are necessary to run one or more test scenarios.
Difference number 3: The typical test case is based on one of the software requirements. The typical test procedure, on the other hand, is based on one or more test cases.
Difference number 4: The typical test case doesn't contain enough details for execution, because it's executed through the use of a test procedure. Therefore, the typical test case is not executable before the test procedure is written. However, once it's written, the test procedure is ready to be run; and usually it 'can' be run by the first person who walks in from the street.
Difference number 5: Usually, one test case usually covers one test scenario. On the other hand, one test procedure consists of many-many test step, and susually covers multiple test scenarios.


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